“Medical” Marijuana Too Potent to Be Useful for Pain
Secondhand smoke can travel through plumbing, electrical lines, etc.
Negative health and safety effects of cannabis in Colorado
Increased impaired driving and fatalities in CO since legalizing marijuana
Are females more susceptible to effects of marijuana?
Debunking the Myth that Marijuana is Safe
Smoking weed and coronavirus: Even occasional use raises risk of Covid-19 complications
Pot Industry Isn't ‘Essential,' Has Health Risks, and Yet Is Lobbying for Federal Aid
American Lung Association Cautions Against Smoking Marijuana
People who smoke or vape are at higher risk for COVID-19, according to NIDA
How cannabis suppresses immune functions
Living near marijuana grow can be unhealthy experience
Marijuana Terpenes and Their Effects
Explanation of Terpenes Including Neurological Effects
What are cannabis terpenes and what do they do?
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome causes vomiting, nausea, and occasionally death
Vaping Residue Can Transfer Between Rooms
Medical Marijuana Cultivation In California's Central Valley Poses Serious Risk to Public Health
A Consortium of Clinicians and Scientists Sign “Statement of Concern” on Marijuana Policy in MA
U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain
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