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We'd Love To Hear From You

If this issue affects you or someone you love, or if you are concerned about this issue for any reason, we'd love to hear from you.

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Our goal is to gather a group of people who share our concerns. Join our mailing list to know when we are taking action and what you can do to be involved.


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Share Your Experience

Has your life, or the life of someone you love, been negatively affected by cannabis? We are compiling individuals' experiences for our website.


 You are not required to disclose your identity in order to share.

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Our current focus is educating about the harms of all cannabis products, including hemp and CBD, and raising awareness about the dangers of second-hand exposure. 


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I give you permission to attribute my quote to my first name. (Note: last names will not be published on the website).*
I give you permission to share my city and state with my quote.*

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Breathe Free Oregon is an Oregon community organization advocating for cannabis-free air for public health & safety

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© 2021 by Breathe Free Oregon 

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